January is National Blood Donor Month. It is the perfect time to highlight a special blood drive sponsor for all she’s done (and continues to do) to save lives in our community.
Highlighting Blood Donor Sponsor: Barbara Moore

ConnectLife runs monthly blood drives with the Town of Boston, all thanks to Barbara. She has made it one of her many missions in life to collect as many blood products as possible for local patients in need at Western New York hospitals.
Since 2011, The Town of Boston has hosted a total of 106 blood drives with ConnectLife. (As of Dec 3, 2024.) Those 106 drives have produced a grand total of 1,940 total units of blood for our area hospitals. Now let’s do some quick math. Because each blood donation can save up to three lives, that means the number of lives saved from these blood drives is 5,820! All thanks to the Town of Boston donors, the Town Hall, and Barbara.
Barbara sets a yearly goal for the number of lives she wants to save. In 2024, she helped collect 330 units. Which equals to approximately 990 lives saved. It was her highest collecting year yet!
“Working with ConnectLife continues to be a truly rewarding experience. The perks of talking to and/or seeing friends, neighbors, and newcomers to my community are outweighed only by my joy in reporting to them, after each drive, how many lives were impacted by their donations. I believe it is in most people to give, and ConnectLife provides a very easy path for people to gift life to members of their own communities. Is there a greater gift?”
- Barbara Moore
We want to extend a very heartfelt THANK YOU to the Town of Boston Town Hall for always being so welcoming to us, to the donors who always show up to donate and save lives, and to our sponsor Barbara for her dedication to our mission and cause.